We've been battling a bit of a bug problem in one of our break rooms.
It all started with this email on April 17th:
Let me tell you, nothing works better for your diet than a company email about bug infestations sent right before lunchtime. After being thoroughly grossed out by the thought of creepy crawlies near my head every time I washed stuff in the sink, I thanked my lucky stars that I keep my food at my desk and moved on.
Everything had seemingly gone back to normal, and after a few weeks, I thought it was safe to go into the break room again. My false sense of security was shattered on May 16th, when a teeny little bug landed in my oatmeal as I was pouring sugar out of the communal canister in the break room. Since a hazmat decontamination shower was not a viable option, I did the next best thing... I emailed Facilities. I was assured that everything was disinfected and cleaned, and that the area would be checked daily.
Fast-forward to today, approximately 30 minutes ago. I walked into the break room for some coffee and found my coworker pouring the sugar canister out into the sink in disgust. He confirmed that it was another bug and I felt my stomach lurch at the thought of the afternoon coffees I've been indulging in over the last week or so. I noticed his coffee mug sitting on the counter, and out of morbid curiosity, I took a peek, thinking it would be another teeny bug.
Behold, we've now got little wormy maggot bugs.
Facilities, we have a problem.
Ewwwww!!!! I would freak if I saw that in my cup! That's one way to cut out coffee additives. YUCK!
ReplyDeleteI think they should give everyone a week off and fumigate. Blech!
ReplyDeleteDon't maggots only hang out when there are dead things around? I submit you have a serial killer murdering hookers and burrying them in the walls of your office. Run.
ReplyDelete@Teresa - don't joke about people being buried in the walls! Ever since I watched The Gate as a kid, it's been a weird fear of mine. My cat goes bananas jumping up the walls every night, and I have to tell myself it's only because he's an idiot, and not because there are people in my walls.
ReplyDeleteThat is disgusting. GROSS!